Creative Ningyo

Today ningyo are recognized for their artistic value as a type of craft art.In the Meiji period, however, with the adoption of a structure in the arts based on the Western model, the ningyo, like other craft arts, was positioned as inferior to painting, sculpture, and other fine arts.In response, a movement to reevaluate the crafts and raise their status arose.One result was the 1927 establishment of a crafts division as the fourth division in the Exhibition of the Imperial Fine Arts Academy (Teiten).Ningyo, however, were still excluded.Then, Nishizawa Tekiho, who was researching ningyo and toys (gangu), and others decided to start a ningyo art movement.In 1936 ningyo artists were at last allowed to exhibit at the first Reorganized Teiten.After World War II, ningyo artists were also designated as Holders of Important Intangible Cultural Properties (Living National Treasures).These creative ningyo express the individuality of their artists. Please enjoy exploring their distinctive worlds.